
Vision - If we are 'learning to live life in all its fullest'; Why do we teach what we teach in music?

At Kilby St Mary’s we aim to engage and inspire a love of music and increase our pupil’s talent as musicians. We plan the curriculum carefully to provide musical experiences which will increase pupil’s self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. All pupils will be encouraged to make more music, think more musically and will become more musical as a result. We aim to develop their musicality by developing their technical skills, be that playing an instrument or singing; giving them opportunities to construct music, as well as understand the construction of the music they listen to and, finally, to hear, appreciate and perform expressively: to know that this gives music quality, meaning and can be a powerful outlet for creativity.


During music lessons and collective worship, pupils will be exposed to different genres of music and have opportunities to participate in music through listening & appraising, and composing & performing. In school, we will, through the effective teaching and learning of the knowledge, skills and understanding in music, maintain and stimulate pupil interest and enjoyment, encouraging curiosity and creativity in all pupils including those with special needs. We will build on knowledge and skills incrementally to ensure they are remembered and enable success. 


Music is taught in all classes from EYFS to Year 6 and we draw heavily from The Model Music curriculum and ‘Classroom 200’. This ensures that we are delivering high quality music lessons and pupils are exposed to a range of different musical genres. Lessons are designed to be engaging and interactive with plenty of opportunities for pupils to share opinions, to improvise using voices or instruments and develop their understanding of the use of pitch, texture, timbre, tempo, structure, dynamics and duration. The school also participates in a variety of musical performances for parents – such as family assemblies, harvest, and Christmas concerts as well as a bi-annual end of year music festival. 

Music Curriculum

Music in EYFS at Kilby St- Marys


All pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged, should show confidence when talking about music or sharing their opinions about music. They show they can work creatively and draw upon the knowledge and skills taught to them in their lessons to enable their composing and performing. Pupils are proud of their musical abilities and what they can achieve. Uptake for musical clubs is high.

Broader Curriculum

Pupils develop a sense of fascination, enjoyment, creativity and imagination in their music learning and are able to reflect on their work. They understand their right to have an opinion and show respect of the opinions of others. In performing, they develop mutual respect and have the opportunity to share music in a range of communities and social settings. They listen to each other when performing and work together towards an expressive performance. They know that listening to or performing music can affect their mood and contribute to their well being. They understand that, despite its challenges, practice is, eventually, liberating and gives a huge sense of achievement. In appraising music, they gain an insight into a variety of different cultures and influences that have shaped their own heritage and those of others.

What does a good learner look like on leaving Kilby St Mary’s?

A good learner enjoys music, is enthusiastic and wants to continue their music learning. They have a good understanding of a range of musical genres and instruments and what they sound like. They are able to notate music that they compose, using staff or chords and can use this to practice and improve on their compositions. They have confidence to perform in front of an audience and express themselves musically, including improvisation.