
Vision - Why do we teach what we teach?

Technology has become the backbone for modern society. At our school, we want to equip our children to embrace and participate meaningfully in a world where technology has transformed everything we do. We want children to leave our school with the confidence that they can be flexible with technology, using it purposefully and creatively to navigate through life. With technology rapidly shaping how we work, communicate and interact with others; our curriculum places a high importance on nurturing children to be safe online. It is our goal for our children to quickly understand and value the importance of online safety, encouraging the end goal of children becoming independent and responsible users of technology. We want to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world!


At Kilby St Mary’s we aim for all children, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND, to be given the opportunity to learn purposeful computing skills enabling them to implement these both inside and outside of school. We aim for pupils to develop their knowledge incrementally and become confident, curious and resilient users of computing technology. We aim to give them repeated practical experience to understand and apply fundamental principles of computer science, such as logic, algorithms and data representation, to analyse and solve problems in computational terms. Curriculum planning will ensure pupils are digitally literate and are aware of the advantages and dangers of the online world. 


Computing is taught throughout the school. We encourage children to use technology to enhance their learning and make creative links with other subjects. Teachers are encouraged to revisit and build on what they have taught so far, to embed knowledge and understanding and address any misconceptions before moving on, in order that the children can remember their learning long term. When programming, pupils are given opportunities to create and problem solve; applying the learning they have developed. Lessons are creative, engaging and relevant to the modern world we live in. We will use a variety of approaches to teach key skills in computing- these will not always be taught digitally, but may be “unplugged” lessons which help children to unpick processes and concepts.

Computing in EYFS at Kilby St-Marys


Pupils at Kilby St Mary’s are confident users of technology in the classroom. They understand how to manipulate computer and tablet software to produce the result they require. Pupils show understanding of vocabulary associated with computing. They are happy to talk about what they have achieved in lessons and how they solved any problems they’ve come across. Pupils show awareness of how to stay safe online and know what to do if faced with anything that makes them uncomfortable. 

Broader Curriculum

Computing is a massive part of modern day living, and as such can provide many cross curricular learning opportunities. Technology can be used for many things such as, design, research, art, music composition and as window to the wider world in geography. Computing is strongly linked to PSHCE and RSE, making sure pupils are aware of healthy online relationships and are taught to question what they read online as well as protecting their rights to privacy. Discussions in class develop pupils understanding of British and School values, as well as develop their understanding of SMSC in the context of online safety and digital awareness.

What does a good learner look like on leaving Kilby St Mary’s?

Pupils should leave Kilby St Mary’s as responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information communication technology. A good learner enjoys Computing and is equipped with the skills and knowledge required to undertake a variety of related challenges. They can apply and understand the processes involved in creating computer programs and systems in a range of contexts. Pupils will be digitally literate, able to use IT to express themselves and develop their ideas. Our pupils should be fully equipped for their secondary computing education, for future workplaces and active and responsible participants in the digital world.