
Vision - If we are 'learning to live life in all its fullest'; Why do we teach what we teach in History?

History is a subject that is essential in building pupils understanding of the past of Britain and the wider world and helps them understand their place in it. We aim to inspire a curiosity about the past, about why the world is as it is and to foster a culture of questioning, critical thinking, examining of evidence and sifting of arguments to ensure pupils develop a historical perspective on our own identity and challenges in our own time. We want to ensure pupils have an understanding of diversity in societies and how relationships have developed between these groups. We aim for the curriculum to combine historical overviews and in depth studies to enable pupils to understand key historical concepts and use these to question, make connections and draw contrasts in their learning. 


During History lessons all children, including SEND and disadvantaged children, will be exposed to a rich and varied curriculum, often cross curricular in capacity. Each year, the children will build on skills they have learned in previous years by increasing the complexity of the subject content and level of skill acquisition. Subject specific vocabulary will be planned for and built on over time. Lessons are planned to provide learning opportunities that spark children’s curiosity and inspire them to learn about real people who lived in the past and about real events, set in a context of time. 


History is taught in all classes from EYFS to Y6 and lends itself well to cross-curricular opportunities. Physical resources/artifacts and books are readily available to all teachers through Leicestershire Library Services and are ordered termly. Teachers are encouraged to revisit what they have taught so far with each topic, to embed knowledge and understanding and address any misconceptions before moving on, in order that the children can remember their learning long term. Lessons are designed with high engagement in mind encouraging curiosity about and questioning of the concepts covered. Pupils are supported to learn new concepts by studying meaningful examples and helped to remember knowledge by having repeated encounters of a range of concepts in different contexts. Pupils are encouraged to extend their learning outside the classroom by the use of knowledge organizers and carefully thought out homework.

History in EYFS at Kilby St- Marys


All pupils, including SEND and disadvantaged pupils should show enthusiasm when talking about their history lessons and be excited to share what they know. Pupils should be able to make links between the learning they are doing now and what they have studied in the past. They should be able to talk about things that have impacted their local area as well as their nation and the wider world. Pupils should have some knowledge about how historians investigate the past and construct historical accounts.

Broader Curriculum

History provides many cross curricular learning opportunities and opportunities for enrichment sessions. Used creatively, it can ensure engagement through a range of subjects such as Art , DT and Music. History is explicitly linked to Geography wherever possible to provide pupils with a broader context for their learning. As children develop higher order skills such as, justifying, developing conclusions and empathizing, they are able to make links with the impact the past has had on the present. Studying history gives pupils an increasing awareness of, not only the achievements, but also the follies of mankind emphasizing the importance of the British Values of tolerance, respect, democracy and the rule of law as well as our school values. History supports pupils to contextualise their own experiences and identity within the history of their local community, Britain and the world and contributes to their SMSC development.

What does a good learner look like on leaving Kilby St Mary's?

Pupils should leave Kilby St Mary’s with a sound overview of history, both of Britain and of the wider world. They have a wealth of rich stories and contextual knowledge that make their ideas about the past more meaningful. Our curriculum prepares pupils for life in modern Britain by developing their knowledge and understanding of the role, contribution and importance of different groups of people. They have a sound understanding of the impact that events in history have had on our society and our environment. Pupils have a good understanding of the vocabulary associated with history, preparing them for further studies in KS3.